Part of my regular activities is writing papers for conferences. Over time, I have developed a skeleton to get me kick-started. Since moving to R & RMarkdown, there is a bit of infrastructure setup involved.
Voila my YAML and basic paper structure for a {bookdown}-supported paper using {rticles}’ IEEE template. Just paste and copy … and get going!
--- title: "Building Back Better – Democratisation of Performance Monitoring with Open Data" date: "09 June 2021" output: bookdown::pdf_book: base_format: rticles::ieee_article bibliography: "DASC2021.
One of the problems I regularly face is to toggle the RMarkdown outputs. In some instances html pages / document do not work and I have to fall back to - sometimes even - MS Word.
Throughout the last months bookdowns is more frequently used. The multi-page “build” of a document is a tempting feature to have static documents produced on the fly.
For {plotly} there is another workaround using {webshot} or {webshot2} and phantom.
This is a quick update to an earlier post about changing/improving the output of graphics, i.e. ggplot, in “other” RMarkdown output formats, e.g. MS Word.
In my view one of the annoying features of RMarkdown, knitr, and friends is that graphics/ggplots knitted to MS Word look … let’s say … shabby. I am cognisant of the technicalities, read a lot about it, but it is way above my head how to re-write what would be needed.
This post summarises my steps in developing a dashboard with interactive static web-pages based on parameterised reports, flexdashboard, and plotly. The dashboards are now in use and the following is for historic reference. If you want to check, feel free to have a look at:
Design Requirements The goal was to set-up a dashboard for the performance monitoring of airports in Europe.
To reduce complexity, the idea was to make use exclusively of a client-side processing through the use of respective javascript driven widgets, i.
During my day-time job I deal with operational performance at airports. One recurring graphical requirement is to plot the aerodrome layout. It follows from this post that there is no ready-out-of-the-box solution for this task.
OpenStreetMap provides geographical information organised in layers. These layers can be querried for further processing.
The following code snippets shows the OSM query for extracting the feature aeroway and associated elements such as apron, gate, etc.
If you are only interested in the how-to, skip the first section of this post. This blog post supports the good points made by Christopher
Writing Paper and Managing References Every researcher will have a story to tell about the time invested in getting the references for a paper or report right. After all those years I am still surprised how much emphasis is given to the list of references, and whether it is well formatted.
This blogpost is primarily written for my future self. I am notoriously forgettting how things are done. This is partly linked to me playing around with too many things at the same time or simply not having used a specific feature for a while. This page hopefully helps filling in as an aide memoire.
Displaying Code Chunks Without Executing Them Code Chunk Blocks Yihui provides examples for displaying verbatim code chunks.
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see
You can embed an R code chunk like this:
summary(cars) ## speed dist ## Min. : 4.0 Min. : 2.00 ## 1st Qu.:12.0 1st Qu.: 26.00 ## Median :15.0 Median : 36.00 ## Mean :15.4 Mean : 42.98 ## 3rd Qu.