
Plotly to static image for pdf or word

How to embed a interactive plotly vis in pdf/word output I recently used plotly to produce interactive visualisations in html output. However, knitting the RMarkdown into pdf (or Word) resulted in an error. Moreover, my idea is to have one Rmd and toggle between the outputs to save on coding. The solution entails installation of webshot package and phantomjs using a deprecated plotly function using a htmlWidget & webshot based solution Prep - install webshot and phantomjs That should be a no-brainer.

Developing a Dashboard - Parameterised Reports + Flexdashboard + Plotly

This post summarises my steps in developing a dashboard with interactive static web-pages based on parameterised reports, flexdashboard, and plotly. The dashboards are now in use and the following is for historic reference. If you want to check, feel free to have a look at: Design Requirements The goal was to set-up a dashboard for the performance monitoring of airports in Europe. To reduce complexity, the idea was to make use exclusively of a client-side processing through the use of respective javascript driven widgets, i.