
RMarkdown - high quality (gg)plots in non-pdf output

This is a quick update to an earlier post about changing/improving the output of graphics, i.e. ggplot, in “other” RMarkdown output formats, e.g. MS Word. In my view one of the annoying features of RMarkdown, knitr, and friends is that graphics/ggplots knitted to MS Word look … let’s say … shabby. I am cognisant of the technicalities, read a lot about it, but it is way above my head how to re-write what would be needed.

Things I google far too often for ggplot

original post updated: 29 July 2021. Aide memoire & lookup post {ggplot2} is awesome. But I find me regularly googling for the things below. This post is a shortcut as I do not need to chase older pages I visited on my questions. force axis limits setting scales order barchart position labels on dodged barcharts Force axis limits with xlim, ylim one “zooms” into the given dimensions or