ROracle, SQL, and other things I forgot

This week marks me reinstalling {ROracle} and looking into accessing our datawarehouse directly from R. Something I had pushed for a quite a while now.

Getting up and running

Installing ROracle on our work laptops is not a “straight forward” excercise. There exists also quite a number of blog posts and messages highlighting that this is generally a pain on other systems as well.

For ECTRL check out the installation guide set-up by Enrico.

In particular, follow the given path and copy the pre-compiled ROracle library from the central drive to your personal user account library folder (something in … dev-library\4.0).

Install {DBI}.

In a nutshell this should do it.


To work with PRISME, we need a “connection”: For this we set the database driver and some user and database details.

The following helper function gets us connected.
As recommended elsewhere, never save a password in a script, etc. Thus, we use askForPassword() … you should know the pw :)

connect_to_prisme <- function(.dbname = "porape5", .user = "prutest"){
    drv <- DBI::dbDriver("Oracle")
    con <- DBI::dbConnect(
        ,dbname   = .dbname,
        ,  user   = .user
        ,password = rstudioapi::askForPassword("Database password")

# store connection session
con <- connect_to_prisme()

Sniffing around

The principle of databasing is “send a query” and “store/process” the result.

The following are some “looking around” things

rs  <- dbSendQuery(con, "select view_name from user_views")
dat <- fetch(rs)

Check out what tables we can access:

rs <- dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT
  table_name, owner
  owner, table_name
prisme_tbls <- fetch(rs)

Querying the APDF FACT table

rs <- dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT *
                     FROM SWH_FCT. FAC_APDS_FLIGHT_IR691
                   WHERE SRC_airport = 'EDDF'
                   and SRC_DATE_FROM >= '01-JAN-21'
                   and SRC_DATE_FROM < '01-AUG-21' ")
eddf <- fetch(rs)

Construct better queries by using relevant colnames: > names(eddf) [1] “APDS_ID” “AP_C_FLTID” “AP_C_REG” “SK_ADEP_ID”
[53] “C100_CROSS_TIME” “C100_CROSS_LAT” “C100_CROSS_LON” “C100_CROSS_FL”
[97] “DLY_SUB1” “DLY_SUB2” “DLY_SUB3” “DLY_SUB4”
[101] “DLY_SUB5” “DLY1” “DLY2” “DLY3”

Some regular stuff I do

load connection with above function

with tbl(con, sql(query)) I can launch a sort of “lazy connection”to PRISME/Oracle database, and work onwards with dplyr queries.

to download the data append %>% collect()


cncl_db <- tbl(con, sql(sql))


This article provides an example:

Good luck with making this going!

Rainer Koelle
Head Operational ANS Performance

I am a pilot, air traffic controller, and engineer, and work for EUROCONTROL, Performance Review Unit. My research interests revolve around operational air navigation and/or air transportation system performance applying a mix of data science and system analytics. In a side role I am also interested in time-critical decision making applied in aviation security and critical infrastructure protection.
