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This week marks me reinstalling {ROracle} and looking into accessing our datawarehouse directly from R. Something I had pushed for a …

Part of my regular activities is writing papers for conferences. Over time, I have developed a skeleton to get me kick-started. Since …

Once every so often I run into problems with TinyTex on my Windows work laptop. And every time this happens, I realise that I should …

One of the problems I regularly face is to toggle the RMarkdown outputs. In some instances html pages / document do not work and I have …

This is a quick update to an earlier post about changing/improving the output of graphics, i.e. ggplot, in “other” RMarkdown output …



External Project

An example of linking directly to an external project website using external_link.

Internal Project

An example of using the in-built project page.

Recent & Upcoming Talks

An example talk using Academic’s Markdown slides feature.

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Person re-identification is a critical security task for recognizing a person across spatially disjoint sensors. Previous work can be …

A mobile visual clothing search system is presented whereby a smart phone user can either choose a social networking image or capture a …
